Organization Overview

About Us:
Better Hometown Business Directory is proudly published by Better Agency LLC, guided by our mission statement, "Building strong communities one relationship at a time." We are dedicated to making a positive impact by supporting Recovery Ministries.

Welcome to Marketing with a Mission! It's a win-win scenario for local business owners, boosting their revenue while providing money-saving deals for nearby families who shop locally.

We're thrilled to offer our local business owners the most cost-effective marketing solution by seamlessly integrating print and digital media. This approach ensures tangible results and maximizes your return on investment.

Our campaign is so potent that we can reach people right where they are: on their smartphones. Once your ad is approved, we swiftly broadcast your message and money-saving offers across our robust digital media platforms. Over 85% of businesses that join us witness their offers redeemed long before our publications hit mailboxes or distribution locations across the county.

The growth potential is tremendous, with hundreds of new homeowners moving into our community every quarter. Studies indicate that these families spend significant sums within their first year in a new home. The question is: will they find you first?

Rest assured, we've got you covered:

Engage with our New Homeowner Directory mailing campaign.
Feature prominently in our Business Directory, available for pickup throughout the community.
Enjoy visibility on our dynamic website, reaching a broad online audience.
Leverage promotion across our vibrant social media platforms, amplifying your reach and impact.

To advertise, call Debbie Ledbetter at 470-213-9926 or email
Debbie Ledbetter
Debbie Ledbetter President
WCCC Logo Business Membership

Areas of Expertise
Advertising Agencies